Longford Handy Helps
Discover our collection of gadgets and other helpful aids designed to help people live a more independent life in their own home. Available to borrow from Ballymahon, Edgeworthstown, Granard and Longford libraries.
Longford Handy Helps
Discover our collection of gadgets and other helpful aids designed to help people live a more independent life in their own home. Available to borrow from Ballymahon, Edgeworthstown, Granard and Longford libraries.
Library Events
Spark your creativity with art clubs and photography groups, and of course plenty of book clubs!
Your Library Online
Get library services on your device with online services such as BorrowBox, LOTE 4 Kids, Moshi, Freegal Music and more
30 people share stories of different local places around County Longford
Ireland's largest light-based arts festival just around the corner with tickets selling fast
Launched by Longford Library, Arts, Archives and Heritage, part of Longford County Council
Part of the preparations for the 2025 festival which takes place in February