BHIS 2025 - Historic Thatched Buildings Stream 2025
About the Scheme
This funding stream is part of the broader Built Heritage Investment Scheme, administered in Co. Longford by the Longford County Council Heritage Office on behalf of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
The purpose of the scheme is to protect the heritage value of historic thatched roof buildings across Ireland, including dwellings and other structures.
For 2025, the Historic Thatched Buildings Grant will offer funding offers of up to €20,000. Any historic thatched structure built before 1970, including domestic or commercial properties, is eligible to apply for grant funding under this scheme.
How to Apply:
Please read the scheme Circular and associated documents below:
BHIS-HTB 2025 - Circular for Local Authorities
BHIS-HTB 2025 - Application Form A
BHIS-HTB 2025 - Checklist Application Form A, to be completed by the applicant
Applicants and their thatchers should read the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage's information resources, including their Conservation Advice Series, in particular the edition on Thatch - please click here to view a PDF version of this.
The application should be supported by estimates/quotations, brief method statement by the thatcher to outline the works required, the thatching and flashing materials. Please also include, as far as possible, brief history of the building (when you think it was built, any changes and extensions, previous rethatching you are aware of; a small number of photographs and a map of the site showing the building.
The closing date for applications is the 17 January 2025. Please forward the completed and signed Application Form A, the Completed Checklist, and supporting documentation via email to
In the email subject line please write BHIS-HTB 2025 and the name of your building or townland, to ensure we can receive the application. Attachments should be under 10MB, they can be sent in more than one email.