Family Time at Your Library

Longford Libraries’ annual Family Time at Your Library programme takes place during the month of December. The aim of this programme is to support the involvement of the whole family in children’s reading through a series of family friendly events:
We will have online storytime with familiar faces. We will also be sharing tips on our social media channels on how to encourage the reluctant reader and how to promote the joy of reading for pleasure.
Have you read a brilliant book lately, if so, why not share your book review with us? Email your book review to and make sure to include the following details: the author and title of the book; your name; and your age. Reviews should be no longer than 150 words. All book reviews that are published on our website will be entered into a draw and one child will win a National Book Token.
If you would like to be one of our Reading Champions send us a video of your family reading a short story together and we will post as many videos as we can online. We would love to get stories in lots of different languages.
We are also looking forward to a virtual storytime from the one and only Mrs Claus! Mrs Claus would love to hear all about the favourite books and authors of the children from County Longford. Send your name, age and the details of your favourite book/author to Mrs Claus will be saying hello to all the boys and girls who email in and she will pick out one lucky child who will win a prize.
There will also be online arts and crafts and fun quizzes for all the family.
For further details on all our Family Time at Your Library events keep an eye on our social media channels.