Local artists The Bridgeway Belles exhibit takes place in Edgeworthstown Library
On display until Friday, 29 June
Press Release: Monday, 17 June 2024
Local artists Annie Donohoe, Kellyann Leonard Mills and Rachael Reilly Fagan, collectively known as The Bridgeway Belles, will be exhibiting their artwork in Edgeworthstown Library until Friday, 29 June.
Twenty-five art pieces make up the exhibition. Many pieces consider themes of nature, including some animal portraits. Admission into view the collection is free and open to the public during Edgeworthstown Library opening hours.
The Bridgeway Belles artists
Based in Longford, Annie Donohoe has been painting for four years. Inspired by the natural world, local waterways and woodland, Annie's work includes many landscapes and paintings of animals.
Working mostly in acrylics, Kellyann Leonard Mills takes inspiration from her forest walks and being around nature. Kellyann has a harmonious use of colour and captures a creative energy in her paintbrushes and palette knives.
Living in the Midlands, Rachel Reilly Fagan's works mostly in oils, but also in watercolour, acrylic and pastel. Rachel has exhibited her work throughout Ireland. Nature features heavily in her work. She takes inspiration from her daughters Amy and Sophie.
Please note: There is parking available to the rear of the library. Access is via the road beside St Mary's Church.
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