Longford Armistice Centenary - 100th Anniversary WW1

Longford County Council and the Peter Keenan Branch of the Organisation of National Ex-service personnel, invite you to join us for the Longford Armistice Centenary. This event marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1. It also remembers those from County Longford whose lives were impacted by the war.

To this end, Remembrance Sunday will take place this coming Sunday, November 11th, 2018. Our programme is as follows:

11am – Remembrance Ceremony and Ecumenical Service, Market Square, Longford. Followed by a procession to St. Mel’s Cathedral, led by Longford Pipe Band and Peter Keenan Branch O.N.E.

11.30am – Remembrance Mass, St. Mel’s Cathedral.

11.30am – 4pm – Longford and the Great War Exhibition, Temperance Hall, Longford.

We especially welcome relatives of those who took part in WW1. For more information, please visit our website: www.longfordlibrary.ie

Please phone 043-3341124 or email  us at: library@longfordcoco.ie, with any queries you may have.