Longford Community TV


Joining us for the recording of the very first programme on Longford Community TV are Seán Ó Súilleabhán, Bernard Sexton and Sr Maeve Brady. They are all experts in the War of Independence in County Longford, and are filming a short programme to discuss the events of 100 years ago, including the Battle of Ballinalee, the Burning of Granard and the Battle of Clonfin, as well as the men of the North Longford Flying Column. Watch this space for when it goes live on Facebook and YouTube.

The Longford Community TV studio is remarkable new, community-based facility located at Longford Slashers Gaelic Football Club, who have kindly lent space at their facility. It is also supported by Backstage Theatre. The project is the brainchild of local filmmaker, Shane Crossan and is funded by Creative Ireland - Longford and Creative Ireland.