


Derryshanouge B.S.
Doire �tha She�in �ig, oak-wood of the ford of Johnock or Young John.

Derryshannoge J. 0'D.
Derrieshanoge Wood Down Survey
Derryshanvoges alias Inq. temp. Car. I.
Derryshanmucks Inq. temp. Car. I.

Is bounded by the tds of St. Albans or Lissawly and Leherry in Rathcline Ph. on the W.; by Derrygeel Td. in Rathcline Ph. on the N.; by Derraghanmore Td. on the E.; and by the tds. of Derryglash and New Park on the S. & S.W.
Contains 539 acres, four-fifths of which are flat wet bog; the remainder arable. Houses are in bad repair and the inhabitants are poor. It is the property of Luke White, Esq., held by a deed for ever. Co. Cess - �9 7s. 8d.