Elfeet Burke
Elfeet Burke
Elfeet Burke J. 0'D.
Elfeet Burk Boundary Sketch
Lies in the S. of the parish, and is bounded on the W. by Lough Ree; on the E. by Lough Slawn; N. by the tds. of Lough Farm, Elfeet Adamson and Leab; and S. by the td. of Culnagore.
Contains 87 acres, including 2 a. 0r. 32p. of the water of Lough Slawn, near which there are 3 or 4 acres of rough ground; the remainder is all arable and pasture. There is the ruin of an old castle here. Co. Cess - �4 13s. 10d. Miss Newcommen is the proprietor.