


Smear B. S. Sketch
Sm�ur, blackberry. (prond. Smair.)

Smear J.0' D.
Smear County Map
Smeare Inq. Temp. Jac. I.
Smeare Down Survey

This townland is situated 1� miles 10 perches from Cornadrung Cottage, and contains 1,072 acres.
From the S.E. corner of this td. a road runs in N.E. direction for 8� furlongs, where it crosses the N boundary. Also, at the S.E. corner are situated a School
House, a Corn Mill and a Kiln, and near this point is road leading to the td. of Carrickmaguirk. About 48 perches from the Corn Mill a road branches to Carrigallen. The bog of this townland is situated chiefly at the west boundary, and comprises one-tenth of the whole.