Clogher and Rinn
Clogher and Rinn
Clogher and Rhynn B. S. S.
Clochar, stony land. Rinn, a point of land.
Clogher and Rinn J. 0'D.
Clogher, part of, Aghanagore, Rinn part of same Down Survey
Bog of Clogher Down Survey Map
Situated N. of the centre of the parish, close by the S. of Cloondara Village. It contains 261a. Or. 23
This td. is only partially cultivated, being composed principally of rough boggy land. There are two good dwelling houses in the td. One, near the S.E. end
is known as Rinn Mount; the other, near the N.E. extremity, is known as Clogher.