


Barnacor B. S.
Barr na Corra, top of the weir.

Barnacor J. 0'D.

This td. is situated in the west side of the parish,to the west of Lanesborough, and is bounded by the tds. of Tullyvrane, Gorteengar, Knock, Cloonbony, Mount Davis, Cloonfore, Derryloughbannow and Lehery.
It contains 354a. 3r. 34p., of which 34a. 3r. 4p. is water. About � of the td. is under cultivation; the remainder is a flat, wet bog. It is the property of Mr. White, held by deed for ever. It has Lanesborough on its S. side, and the road from Lanesborough to Longford passes through it. Co. Cess - �3 10s. 4d.