


Derrynabuntel B. S.
Doire na bPoint�al; Pyontle's oak wood.

Derrynabuntale J. 0'D.
Derry als. Dirry Inq. temp. Jac. I.
Dorrie Down Survey

This td. is situated in the S.W. of the parish. It is bounded on the N. by Edera; E. by Gorteen and Drumacor; S.E. by Annagh in Noughaval Ph.; S.W. by Lough Ree; and W. by Derrynagalliagh in Cashel Ph.
It contains 526a. 3r. 26p., of which about two-fifths is bog, the remainder under cultivation. It is flat and wet, and its houses and roads are in good repair. It is the property of the Shouldham family, held by a deed for ever. Co. Cess - �11 15s. 8d.