


Liserdowlin B. S. S.
Lios �rd Abhla, fort of the apple hill. Four Masters A.D. 1377.

Lissardowlan J. 0'D.
Now universally so called.

Lyserdowly Inq. temp. Jac. I.
Lissardowla Inq. temp. Car. I.
The correct name is Lis/ard/owla.

Situated near the E. boundary of the parish, about 3 miles E. of Longford
town. Contains 153a. 2r. 37p.
This td. is all under cultivation. Near the centre are Lissardowlan Moat and the Rampart with a Trigl. Station on it. West of the centre, and close to a bye road, there is a good farmhouse with some plantation about it. The
road leading from Longford to Edgeworthstown passes through it near by the centre.