Websites (The Alzheimer Society of Ireland) (Dementia Services Information & Development Centre) (National Council for Ageing and Older People Ireland) (Carers Association of Ireland) (Health Service Executive, Ireland) (Health Promotion in Ireland)
Alzheimer’s Society: 043 334 27 23
DSIDC (Dementia Services): 01 416 20 35
NCAOP (National Council on Ageing and Older People): 01 674 32 99
Alzheimer’s Activities That Stimulate the Mind (Emilia C. Bazan-Salazar): McGraw Hill, US and UK, 2005
Alzheimer’s: Caring for Your Loved One, Caring for Yourself (Sharon Fish and Susan Cuthbert): US and UK, 2008
Dementia Reconsidered: The Person Comes First (T Kitwood): Open University Press, England, 2008
The 36 Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons With Alzheimers Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses and Memory Loss in Later Life (Nancy L Mace & Peter V Rabins): Wellness Central, America, 2007
Talking to Alzheimer’s: Simple Ways to Connect When You Visit with a Family Member or Friend (Claudia J Strauss): New Harbinger, California, 2001
Book Therapy in Dementia Care
Book Therapy in Dementia Care is a new series of books specifically written for those with dementia are now in stock in all Longford Libraries.
The books are full of humour and fun and contain a wide range of beautiful images and large print text that can evoke memories and emotions in people from a variety of backgrounds. The books are specifically designed for those with dementia as they provide a stimulus for communication on a broad range of topics. People with dementia have often spent a lifetime enjoying books and reading, whether in the form of the daily newspaper, works fiction or factual books. When dementia becomes more advanced, people lose the ability to enjoy and understand traditional books. The aim of this series is to provide entertainment and enjoyment for people with dementia until the end of life.